We are committed to developing our service to support brokers. In this first phase of development, our focus has been on our claims service.
You Asked, We Listened

Brokers want consistent access to claims information.

Brokers strive to keep clients updated and informed. Our aim is to assist by building an ever-increasing level of transparency.

We are delivering the tools for brokers to offer a streamlined service for their clients. The claims element of the portal is the first step.
Key Features
Easy access to client claims information
Simply type in a policy number & view the listing
Track a claim’s progress
Track a claim’s progress – see what stage your client’s claim is at with the in-built progress tracker
Filter for the finer details
Sort claims by incident date, status of the claim, third party reserves and more!
Print & share the data
For more transparent and productive meetings with your client.
Each broker has their own individual login
With access controlled centrally by DCL and authorised by a lead portal contact within your business.

Future Developments
A booking system for quarterly claims review meetings
A document repository for your policies
The ability to administer vehicle adjustments

Get portal access today!

A principal, partner, director or officer within your business needs to identify a lead portal contact and notify us.

That lead portal contact then has authority, both now and in the future, to email us advising who requires access to the portal within your business.

Those individuals will be sent an invite link and should follow the instructions on the link to set-up their own account.

Your account(s) will be authorised by our team. Your team members can then login to the portal.
We want to hear from you!
What tools do you want to see next on the broker portal? We consider all broker feedback in the future phases of portal development.
The portal aims to enhance our claims service but not replace the personal touch
DOWNLOAD and refer to our updated Claims Toolkit for more information about our processes and how to get your next quarterly claims meeting booked in!